Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The current state of jailbreaks/unlocks

Today ( October 20th ) a tool was updated that makes the unlock world more interesting. Plus, new jailbreak tools released a couple of weeks ago provide more options.

However ... STILL no direct unlock for those on iOS 4.1 firmware. If your iPhone is on iOS 4.1 firmware there is currently NO tool that will unlock your iPhone - you will have to wait until the end of November ( my estimate ) for an iOS 4.1 unlock solution.

Now, what is available today?

- iPhones on iOS 4.1 firmware : jailbreak is possible, no unlock

- iPhones on iOS 4.0.x : jailbreak is possible on these iOS versions. Additionally you can indirectly update to iOS 4.1 with the above-mentioned updated tool and retain your unlock. This is the reason that I suggested that you not upgrade to iOS 4.1 in my previous post.

-iPhones on firmware below 4.x.x ( primarily the 3GS ) : same options as the previous option, see above

Note that I DO NOT recommend that 3G iPhones be updated past 3.1.3. The reason is that, in my opinion, iOS 4.x.x firmware is just too much for the 3G. The 3G runs slow, slow, slow. Stay one 3.1.3 or downgrade to it.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Upcoming jailbreak for 4.1 firmware ... good news ... bad news

The good news : this weekend a jailbreak for 4.1 iOS firmware will be released

The bad news : this jailbreak will only work for the iPhone 4, iPad, iPod Touch 4, and AppleTV 2. Nothing for the 3GS ( note that there is already a jailbreak for the 3G on 4.1 iOS firmware )

More bad news : there is NO mention of an unlock to accompany the 4.1 firmware

Not so bad news : if your iPhone 4 is on iOS 4.02, DO NOT upgrade to 4.1. It will eventually be possible ( once a tool is upgraded ) to upgrade to 4.1 a "special way" so that the unlockability that comes with 4.0.2 iOS will be carried over to this "special" 4.1 upgrade. I imagine that this also applies to iOS versions 4.0 and 4.0.1.

Hope for the 3GS : work is in progress for a 4.1 iOS jailbreak that will work for 3GS iPhones.

So, unlock-wise, not the greatest news if you are on 4.1 iOS. For any other firmware version, stay on it and DO NOT upgrade to 4.1 - this is the best hope if you need an unlock.