Saturday, December 4, 2010

Use Tiny Umbrella to determine firmware version, serial number, etc.

Often when I am contacted for unlock assistance I need specific information in order to determine if a device can be unlocked : iPhone model, firmware version, and baseband version. I will often also need the first five digits of the serial number in order to determine when the iPhone was manufactured.

If the iPhone is activated and the apps are accessible this information is easy to retrieve :

- Firmware version, see Settings -> General -> About -> Version

- Baseband version, see Settings -> General -> About -> Modem Firmware

- The first five digits of the serial number, see Settings -> General -> About -> Serial Number

However, if the iPhone has not activated and the iPhone is stuck in the emergency call screen, the information cannot easily be determined. This is where Tiny Umbrella can save the day.

Navigate to this URL

Depending on your operating system ( Windows or Mac ), download the appropriate version of Tiny Umbrella, located at the far right of the page, in the middle :

Run Tiny Umbrella with your iPhone plugged into your PC ( note that iTunes must be installed in order for Tiny Umbrella to work ). Your operating system may give you some notifications about ports, security, etc. - simply accept/allow the access and continue with Tiny Umbrella.

In the small left pane your iPhone should show up under "Connected Devices", left click on your iPhone.

In the large right pane information about your iPhone will show up. There you can determine the following information :

- iPhone model ( see "Saved SHSHs for " ) ... information here will only show up once you have saved your SSH, see below.

- Firmware version ( see "Installed Firmware Version" )

- Baseband version ( see "Installed Baseband Version" )

- Serial number ( see "Serial Number" )

If you have not saved your SHSH information now is a good time to save them, simply click on "Save SHSH" - saved SHSH information will show up in the "Saved SHSHs for " field. Saving your SHSH information will allow the firmware on your iPhone to be downgraded ( normally Apple does not allow this ). Downgrading your firmware is useful should you "accidentally" upgrade your iPhone to a firmware version that cannot be jailbroken. After the firmware downgrade you can then re-jailbreak your iPhone.

Tiny Umbrella has other excellent uses, it's a good tool to become familiar with.

p.s. This works for the iPad and iPod Touch as well